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Your Questions answered

Do the boxes come every month?
Subscription boxes are delivered monthly or every 2 months based on the plan you select. You can skip a delivery or cancel at anytime.
Can I cancel anytime?
Yes! You are not tied in to anything. After the term of your subscription, you can choose to cancel, skip a delivery or swap the box.
When do you take payment?
Payments are taken on the 11th of each month following your sign up date. If you skip a renewal, payment will not be taken until you are ready. You will always be sent a renewal reminder email two days before any renewal occurs.
Are the boxes suitable for beginners?
Absolutley! MakeBox is about discovering new creative skills. We provide full photographic how to instructions in each box. We als have video tutorials and an amazing online community of fellow makers at your disposal who can help with any question 😀

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